

Be Part of the Heritage Center Crew!

The American West Heritage Center (AWHC) is a living history museum located in northern Utah’s Cache Valley at the foot of the Wellsville Mountains. The AWHC was organized in 1995 when two Utah State University programs, the Ronald V. Jensen Historical Farm and the Festival of the American West, merged to form a non-profit foundation. The Foundation’s activities are centered around and focus on the preservation of the living history within the time period of 1820-1920. Job opportunities are typically seasonal and include volunteers, interns, full and part-time employees.

Current Openings

To apply for any position, email a resume to heritagecenter@awhc.org with job title in the subject line.

Rental Staff

Rental Staff: Part-time (Evening and weekend availability required)

Age: 18+

– Required to maintain a professional environment while ensuring AWHC policies are followed. Communicate efficiently with event hosts/guests and other staff. Direct and aid guests in getting to their proper venue location.

– Responsible for welcoming the rental party, facilitating positive experiences for hosts and their guests during the event, and maintaining constant communication with on-site staff, wagon drivers, and attendees.

Seasonal Event Needs

Parking Crew: 7-Day Position: April 2nd-5th & 10th-12th:

Age: 16+

– Required to be on your feet for long periods of time, work well with a team, be personable, and have good communication skills.

– Responsible for directing guests to correct parking areas as they arrive during our event.

Cashier and Ticket Checking: 7-Day Position: April 2nd-5th & 10th-12th:

Age: 16+

– Required to be on your feet for long periods of time, take direction well, handle cash and credit cards honestly and efficiently, and communicate kindly with customers.

– Sell tickets at our Welcome Center, check in pre-purchased ticket customers, and check in guests with annual memberships.

Animal Leads: 7-12 Day Position:

Age: 18+

– Required to stand for long periods of time, work well on a team, and be responsible for animal safety and guest compliance.

– Direct volunteers and guests with correct animal handling procedures and advocate for the animals welfare.

Pony Ride Staff: 7-12 Day Positon:

Age: 14+

– Required to stand for long periods of time, work well on a team, and be responsible for animal and guest safety, and guest compliance.

– Halter and saddle the ponies and make sure riders follow safety guidelines.

Concessions Staff: Starting March 31st, ongoing postions available:

Age: 14+

– Required to stand for long periods of time, take direction well, and handle cash and credit cards honestly and efficiently.

– Responsible for making kettle corn and other food items for guests.

* Food Handler Permit Preferred

Summer Camp Staff: May- July:

Age: 18+

– Required to be dependable and motivated, have good communication skills, and be patient with children.

– Responsible for between 10-15 campers at a time, programing elements, and set-up and clean-up of camps.

– Perfered Skills: Knowledge of archery, BB guns, animals, and basic survival skills.

Living History Staff: Starting Mid-April:

Age: 18+

– Required to wear historic clothing and interact ethusiastically with children and other guests. Women will cook on the wood burning stove and in the dutch ovens over open fire. Men will work in the farm shop on the forge, help with the cow milking twice daily, and assist with pioneer chores.

– Responsible for helping with field trips and summer Historic Adventures, presenting hands-on demostrations and activites, and interpreting the time period of Cache Valley between 1820-1920.

* Food Handler Permit Preferred

Site Crew Member

All positions currently filled. Please check back for upcoming opportunities.

Programming Assistant

All positions currently filled. Please check back for upcoming opportunities.